Ustadh Yusaf combines several rarified elements of classical Arabic grammar instruction in a single teacher: a spiritual grasp of the Quran; mastery of Arabic grammar and usage at the exegetical level; native command of English grammar and usage at the university level; over a decade of classroom experience raising non-native Arabic speakers from beginner to advanced grammarian; and the kind of affability and patience needed with a student that makes a good teacher great. Only Ustadh Yusaf comes to mind as combining all five of these critical attributes in a single teacher.

Atif R. Khan Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance

Hear what our students say about our classical Arabic courses

Fauzia A.


I love this class . It is exactly what I needed at this time . The book offers wide variety of commonly used Arabic words that I needed to learn . It starts off easy so we have easier time understanding it , while at the same time get enough practice with new vocabulary words. Ustaz Yusaf also makes it more fun and enjoyable to read , every now and then going into the roots of the words , explaining them ,interjecting his personal anecdotes.It is a perfect guided reading course for students who want to review Arabic grammar with Ustaz Yusaf while also benefiting from the easy yet engaging vocabulary enriched ‘Al-Qirata Al-Rashida’.

Inaayah KHAN

High School Student

I learned so much from Ustadh Yusaf's Arabic Grammar class.  I highly recommend taking it!

Syed S.

I’ve had a number of Arabic teachers in the past, but I’ve found Ustadh Yusaf to be most engaging. Despite going through the beginners classes, Grammica always manages to find a way to make the material relevant, interesting and applicable to daily life. Couldn’t recommend highly enough.



Studying with Grammica Institute has allowed me to take my Arabic reading to the next level. The small class sizes, one to one attention, and course structure are perfectly suited to my needs as a student with high ambitions yet many other commitments. The years of experience and deep knowledge of the teacher is evident in his ability to sense the specific requirements of each student. After just a few lessons I felt more confident in applying the rules of grammar and morphology I had already learnt, and in translating texts which are over a thousand years old! I would highly recommend Grammica Institute to both aspiring Arabic students as well as those with some experience, who now want to take things further.

Jawad Saeed


Imagine the feeling of a blind man finally being able to see for the first time in his life. Slowly and gradually he is able to see sparkles of light and then eventually the colours and hopefully one day the beautiful creation of Allah (swt). This is the feeling I have had as a student of Sidi Yusaf Bhatti in learning Arabic. One begins to develops a living connection with Allah whilst reading Quran, hadith , qasidas, and Salah. What once seemed like a foreign language is gradually turning into a direct experience and a means to drawing closer to the One (swt). Learn from the best! Highly recommended!

Jasmin G


Ustadh Yusaf teaches in a manner which is easy to understand no matter your level. He used to give us challenges to translate and identify the grammatical function of words, meanwhile introducing new concepts in grammar. His way of teaching simply works and without a doubt it leads to a deep understanding of grammar, and understanding of much needed morphology concepts.

Ustadh Yusaf is great to study with. He is easy-going and has a good sense of humor, which helps when one ploughs through Arabic grammar. He has a way of explaining things that covers the basics and yet, if one so cares, takes you into the depths of Arabic, that beautiful and challenging language. What is most remarkable about Yusaf, for a student, is that he is willing and more than capable of tailoring the course of study to one’s special learning needs and affinities. And that’s what you want if you are studying Arabic for the sake of your scholarship or career. I could never tire singing praises to Yusaf’s teaching style and skills.


I can say without equivocation that he is without doubt the best Arabic grammar instructor in the English language.

Mohammed Pervaiz, PhD - Department of Humanities 
Darul Qasim College

Having been in Arabic studies for many years and having known Ustadh Yusaf for over a decade, I can say without equivocation that he is without doubt the best Arabic grammar instructor in the English language. Yet it is not just Ustadh Yusaf's ability to teach -- which is itself tremendous -- but his affable and soft natured personality. Students are therefore drawn not only to his clear and articulate ability to teach, but his impressionable, caring and non-judgmental attitude towards learners. Arabic is not an easy language to learn. Having a learned, forbearant and patient teachers makes the process easier. Ustadh Yusaf is one such teacher.

I have taken multiple classes with Ustadh Yusaf and they have proven to be the most effective classes for me in Arabic grammar. Through these classes I have been able to take grammar rules and properly apply them to Classical Arabic texts, allowing for coherent translation and understanding.

He allows students to try on their own before providing guidance and answers, thus encouraging us to explore on our own and develop thinking tools to be able to decipher texts and properly understand them.

Afaaf Ahmad, Business Administration Undergrad Student

Studying ‘مختارات من أدب العرب’ with Ustadh Yusaf felt like navigating a forest path with him as a knowledgeable guide. Reading with him engaged us deeply, much like walking through the woods at a steady pace. His expertise and love for the language shone through as he skillfully pointed out hidden grammatical nuances along the way.

Ustadh Yusaf embodies a profound love for the Arabic language, coupled with a deep understanding that enriches his teaching. His passion for Arabic is palpable in his engaging delivery style, making complex concepts relatable and captivating. His enthusiasm for the language is contagious.

Ustadh Yusaf's mission to promote Arabic literacy is deeply inspiring. His tireless dedication goes beyond teaching, reflecting a profound belief in the language's transformative influence. His commitment motivates me to contribute to preserving and sharing Arabic, fostering a vibrant community of language enthusiasts.

Abdullah Ahmed, Business Administration Undergrad Student


, High School Student

Ustadh Yusaf’s classes helped me enhance my grammar skills in a way which allowed me to apply my knowledge of grammar to real texts and in a classic setting. By the end of the class, I was able to identify the grammatical positions of each word in a sentence of a more complex text, and also understand the function of each word and feel confident in my understanding of the functions of each word. These classes that I took with Grammica institute in the past year were the best Arabic grammar ones I’ve taken in my whole five years of studying Arabic grammar, because I didn’t just memorize the concepts, but I was also able to apply them to real life situations, and other texts that I read both in my Arabic grammar class, and in my Arabic skills and literature class. I highly recommend studying with Grammica institute if one wants to be able to understand the concepts thoroughly and also wants to gain a knowledge of the appropriate application of each concept in our life, whether it be in the Quran, other texts, or just in every day life even. Applying ones knowledge of grammar to a text such as the Quran can completely change one’s outlook on it, because it can enhance one’s understanding greatly, and Grammica Institute would be an amazing choice for one to start learning Arabic grammar.

Naeem SAjid/

Management Consultant

Studying with Ustaad Yusaf allowed me to progress my classical Arabic studies greatly. Ustaad helped me patiently to apply grammatical rules and theory whilst walking me through classical text, and ensuring I fully understand the language.
I have gained training and confidence to access books I once wished to read and my time with Ustaadh Yusaf has re-ignited my desire to progress my Arabic studies as a non-native.

My time with Grammica has added a layer of depth to my journey with the Arabic language.

Zainab Ahmed - Youth Advocate

Alhamdulillah, I have been blessed with the opportunity to study at Grammica Institute under the guidance of Ustadh Yusaf since July of 2023. The experience has been truly enriching. Exploring selections from Mukhtarat Min Adab alArab, Ihya Ulum alDin, and delving into various tafasir to understand Irab alQuran has significantly deepened my knowledge.

Ustadh Yusaf is not just a teacher; he is a passionate mentor who instills a genuine love for the Arabic language. His unique teaching style makes the learning process engaging and enjoyable. Ustadh's dedication to nurturing our understanding and enthusiasm for Arabic has truly been inspirational.

I highly recommend Grammica Institute to anyone seeking a comprehensive and engaging Arabic learning experience. My time with Grammica has added a layer of depth to my journey with the Arabic language.

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