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  • Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Essentials 2025



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Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Essentials

learn Arabic grammar certificate

Dear Students,

As-Salamu 'alaykum and Marhaba!  Welcome to our course "Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Essentials ". 

The first live session will be Sunday, January 26th.  You can find the class materials below.  As this is the course page, check back here for updates.  We will be adding free resources to help you in your Arabic reading journey.

Please email us at 
contact@grammica.institute for any inquiries.  

Timings: Classes are Sunday and Wednesday 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM EST and conducted via Zoom.

Class Materials): 

CIAG Essentials Syllabus 2024 (PDF) -updated Feb16

Online Hans Wehr (ejtaal.net)

Grammica Institute Essentials Textbook (PDF) -updated June 18

Live Class Link

Class Topics and Homework (Click to Expand)

Please scroll to the bottom to see the latest topics and homework discussed in class:

Memorize past and present tense verb conjugations, the 6 babs, and how to form the command.

Mon: Memorize 6 babs and the difference between hamzatul wasl and qat'.  The first 2 forms in the 10 forms table.

Thu: Memorize Forms 2-3-4; do practice conjugations and translation of English sentences.

12 Mon: Memorize Forms 5-7, attempt the conjugations and sentences.

15 Thu: Memorize Forms 8-10, attempt the conjugations and sentences; the first table in Exercise: Identifying the 10 Forms in the Quran.

22 Thu:  Hans Wehr exercise on p63.  By now you should have the 10 forms memorized.

26 Mon:  Read pp66-71, Compose sentences on p68, Take Quiz 1 and 2 by next class

4 Mon: Compose sentences on dual, masc pl, fem pl., five nouns.  Finish reading notes.

11 Mon: pp99-100

14 Thu:Read p101-104 (bina'); 105, Identify all mabni words and what they are mabni upon (ikhlas, falaq, nas)

18 M: p107-9 Nawasib, Identify nawasib (p109-110)

21 R: pp116-119 Jawazim that make 1 verb majzum; practice pp120-121

25 M: Jawab al-talab p124

28 R: Cumulative practice on all previous topics pp.111-115

APR 15 M: identify conditional tool, verb, and response

APR 18: Identify every فاعل and its type (non-pronoun, hidden, or attached)

APR 22 Identify passive doers for all passive verbs

APR 25: Read notes on the rules for the subject and predicate; the 5 types of khabar

Identify the subject and predicate of Kana and her sisters

Identify the subject and predicate of Inna and her sisters

Identify the maf'ul bihi 1 and 2 of Dhanna and her sisters

Sifa (aka na't) and related subtopics: Definite nouns, relative pronoun (ism al-mawsul), derived nouns (mushtaqqat).  Identify pattern of na't, role of ism al-mawsul.

'Atf, Conjunction: Identify every harf al-'atf and what the noun after it is copying

Tawkeed: identify every tawkeed and mu'akkad

Badal: Provide badal of your own in sentences.

Tawabi': Identify every tabi' and its type.

Maf'ul bihi: 

Maf'ul mutlaq: identify every maf'ul mutlaq and its type; provide examples

Dharf: Identify every dharf and gives its i'rab; provide examples

Hal: identify every hal and its sahib al-hal

Video lesson


About the teacher


Ustadh Yusaf brings over 10,000 hours of Arabic instructional experience from having taught over 700 students from around the world. He combines this wealth of live practical expertise with fluency in English (BSc, Indiana University) and a deep understanding of the modern student’s need for fast, actionable results. Having taught at Qasid Institute since 2009, he opened the world of classical texts, grammar treatises, and Quranic exegesis to complete newcomers for over 14 years.

Aside from eating and breathing Arabic grammar, Ustadh Yusaf enjoys hiking, reading, and relaxing with a cup of espresso.

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