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Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Advanced

Advanced Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar

Dear Students,

As-Salamu 'alaykum and Marhaba!  Welcome to our course "Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Advanced ". 

This is the course page so please check here for any updates.  You will find the class materials below.  We will be adding free resources to help you in your Arabic reading journey.

The first live session is September 2nd 2024 (Monday).  

Please email us at for any inquiries.  

Class Materials: 

Mutammima al-Ajrumiyya (مُتَمِّمة الآجرومية)

Online Hans Wehr (

Imam Ghazali's Ihya 'ulum al-din (kitab al-ghadab)


Classes are Monday and Thursday 8:00 AM - 9:20 AM EST and conducted via Zoom.

Class Link:


Video lesson


About the teacher


Ustadh Yusaf brings over 10,000 hours of Arabic instructional experience from having taught over 700 students from around the world. He combines this wealth of live practical expertise with fluency in English (BSc, Indiana University) and a deep understanding of the modern student’s need for fast, actionable results. Having taught at Qasid Institute since 2009, he opened the world of classical texts, grammar treatises, and Quranic exegesis to complete newcomers for over 14 years.

Aside from eating and breathing Arabic grammar, Ustadh Yusaf enjoys hiking, reading, and relaxing with a cup of espresso.

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