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Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Essentials Dear Students, As-Salamu 'alaykum and Marhaba!  Welcome to our course "Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Essentials ".  The first live session will be Sunday, January 26th .  You can find the class materials below.  As this is the course page, check back here for updates.  We will be adding free resources to help you in your Arabic reading journey.Please email us at  for any inquiries.   Timings : Classes are  Sunday  and  Wednesday 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM EST  and conducted via Zoom. Class Materials):  CIAG Essentials  Syllabus  2024 (PDF) -updated Feb16 Online Hans Wehr ( Grammica Institute Essentials  Textbook (PDF) -updated June 18 Live Class Link : 

1 Lesson - Beginner

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Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Advanced   Dear Students, As-Salamu 'alaykum and Marhaba!  Welcome to our course "Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Advanced ".  This is the course page so please check here for any updates.  You will find the class materials below.  We will be adding free resources to help you in your Arabic reading journey. The first live session is September 2nd 2024 (Monday) .  Please email us at for any inquiries.   Class Materials:  Mutammima al-Ajrumiyya (مُتَمِّمة الآجرومية) Online Hans Wehr ( Imam Ghazali's  Ihya 'ulum al-din (kitab al-ghadab) Timings : Classes are Monday and Thursday 8:00 AM - 9:20 AM EST and conducted via Zoom. Class Link : Homework

1 Lesson - Advanced

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Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Intermediate   Dear Students, As-Salamu 'alaykum and Marhaba!  Welcome to our course "Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Intermediate ".  The first live session is Monday  September 1st, 2024 .  You can find the class materials below.  As this is the course page, check back here for updates.  We will be adding free resources to help you in your Arabic reading journey.Please email us at for any inquiries.   Class Materials:  Certificate of Ijaza in Arabic Grammar — Intermediate (Textbook PDF) -updated June 10 Online Hans Wehr ( Mukhtarat min adab al-'arab في بني سعد  With Bani Sa'd Timings : Classes are Monday and Thursday 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM EST and Saturday (or Sunday) 11 AM EST (TBA). Classes are conducted via Zoom. Class Link : Homework 6. Choose 2 muda'af verbs on form 4 and 8 Choose 2 mithal verbs on form 1 7 SUN Vowel and translate one of the hikam Choose 2 ajwaf verbs in form 1 and give sarf formula 11 SUN Give the sarf formula for  ajwaf verbs from forms 4 and 10, and a naqis verb from form 1 14 WED Choose 1 naqis verb on  باب رَمَى and 1 on َباب رَضِي and provide the sarf formula and/or the conjugations of past, present, and command tense. 18 SUN Practice conjugations of naqis verbs in higher forms.  Students may email an audio clip of themselves reading out the conjugations. Identify irregular sarf on p40. 21 THU Email Audio clip: Choosing 1 lafif mafruq verb and 1 lafif maqrun verb, send audio of you reading all 14 conjugations in all tenses. 25 SUN Vocalize Prophetic lineage from قال أبو  Write your own lineage to your grandfather (vocalize fully) 28 WED P51 (Nun al-tawkid), P53 Practice 3 MAR p52 C Sentences with nun al-tawkid Submit audio conjugations here:  Sarf Conjugations – Grammica Institute 17 Sun Ism al-fai'l: Read pp 84-5; Practice p86 #1-6 نعت سببي; ism al-maf'ul: identify the نائب فاعل or تعلق for every passive participle. 27 Wed: Discussed the 'amal of the rest of the mushtaqqat.  HW: Vocalize and translate 1st page of في بني سعد APR 20: 'Amal masdar p72,73 Identify every masdar that has ta'alluq or takes a مفعول به منصوب. APR 24: Reading Hadith Halima; 'amal masdar, 'amal mudaf MAY 1: Birgivi: 'amal ism fi'l 5: Birgivi: عمل اسم منسوب 8: Birgivi: التعلق (Ta'alluq) 15: Birgivi: Mansubat  22: Ka'b 1; Birgivi Mansubat - Majrurat 

1 Lesson - Intermediate

Premium course

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This is a course outlining the Arabic grammar one needs to know to understand the Quran, hadith, and classical scholarly texts. While this is a systematic study of ancient Arabic, the material presented in this course can also be practically applied to everyday spoken fusha (standard Arabic). This course is largely based on the classic Arabic primer matn al-Ajurrumiyya.

Mastering Arabic is a lifelong journey. All of one’s time and effort spent on this language will make the goal of that journey one step closer. One must make studying Arabic a project, whether 30 minutes a day or 30 minutes a week.

Make a plan to learn Arabic and develop a connection to the Muslim scholarly tradition.

38 Lessons - Beginner

Premium course

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This course is based on Imam Birgivi’s “100 Grammatical Impactors” which the student reads in class.

Apart from the reading, topics included in this book, discussed in detail in class, are conjugating irregular verbs, grammatical impactors, the different types of sentences, connecting partial sentences (ta’alluq), the various meanings of particles, how nouns grammatically act like verbs, and other assorted, but important, topics.

Mastery of these concepts means eventual mastery of reading classical Arabic.

42 Lessons - Intermediate

Subscribers only

Not started

In this course you will learn how to go about analyzing the Quran through a linguistic lens so you can further understand the meaning. We do this by starting off with a translation, a simple tafsir, and then move onto more in-depth tafsir and i'rab analysis.

In Module 1 you will learn the overall meaning of the verse

Translation | Reading from The Quran Beheld

Safwat al-tafasir by al-Sabouni

In Module 2you explore a detailed meaning through tafsir and basic i'rab
Hasihyat al-Sawi 'ala al-Jalalayn
(optional) Tafsir al-Nasafi
I'rab al-Quran: Mohyi al-din Darwish

In Module 3 You get an exposure to the masters of tafsir
I'rab al-Quran: al-Durr al-Masun by al-Samin al-Halabi
(optional) Tafsir Abi Su'ud)

9 Lessons - Advanced