Foundations Arabic Course

is Currently Closed

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December 2024

4 times a week



Begin Your Journey Now

Are you ready to get started in learning  Arabic?

Do you have a few hours a week to learn the language of the Quran?

Foundations Arabic Course

This class is suited for beginners!

So how long will you wait before you start your journey in classical Arabic?  

That’s exactly what I used to ask myself.  Then I made a decision and, with the help of Allah Almighty, that is all it takes if you have the determination.

My burning desire was to understand the Arabic of the Quran and the language of the classical texts.  When I used to hear the Friday khutbah, I yearned to know what was being said because it contained the words of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace).  I used to hear scholars quote Arabic and had to wait for the translation, if any was forthcoming.  Taking a year of Modern Standar Arabic at university was not sufficient to understand ancient Arabic.   Then I learned about classical Arabic, the language used in the Quran, hadith, and Muslim scholarly tradition.  I had the opportunity to study the classical grammar primer, matn al-Ajurrumiyya .

Grammica Institute takes you through an introductory sampler of classical Arabic.  You will have plenty of practice with in-class drills and homework.  And you will do this in a small group setting with live instruction and with weekly office hours in which you can ask your individual questions. 

Jawad Saeed


What once seemed like a foreign language is gradually turning into a direct experience

Imagine the feeling of a blind man finally being able to see for the first time in his life. Slowly and gradually he is able to see sparkles of light and then eventually the colours and hopefully one day the beautiful creation of Allah (swt). This is the feeling I have had as a student of Sidi Yusaf Bhatti in learning Arabic. One begins to develops a living connection with Allah whilst reading Quran, hadith , qasidas, and Salah. What once seemed like a foreign language is gradually turning into a direct experience and a means to drawing closer to the One (swt). Learn from the best! Highly recommended!

Foundations Arabic Course

You will learn the essential grammar you need distilled in 50 lessons.  With LIVE group classes, weekly office hours, short homework videos, and articles backing you up, this is one of the best ways to learn this ancient language.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

50 sessions of live expert instruction

This is a live online course with 50 individual lessons that will help you learn the essential grammar one needs to understand Arabic.

Time-Tested Text: A New Arabic Grammar by Haywood and Nahmad

This is the course book which has everything you need, complete with explanations and exercises.  You will cover the first 18 chapters of this book.

Certificate of Completion

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a digital copy of a certificate of completion.

learn classical arabic online

About Ustadh Yusaf Bhatti

Ustadh Yusaf brings over 10,000 hours of Arabic instructional experience from having taught over 700 students from around the world.  He combines this wealth of live practical expertise with fluency in English (BSc, Indiana University) and a deep understanding of the modern student’s need for fast, actionable results. Having taught at Qasid Institute  in Amman, Jordan since 2009, he opened the world of classical texts, grammar treatises, and Quranic exegesis to complete newcomers for over 15 years.

Aside from eating and breathing Arabic grammar, Ustadh Yusaf enjoys reading, hiking, and relaxing with a cup of espresso.

Student Testimonials

Fauzia A.

Amman, Jordan

I love this class. It is exactly what I needed at this time...

Bilal Chaudry.

Leicester, UK

Studying with Grammica Institute has allowed me to take my Arabic reading to the next level.

Studying with Grammica Institute has allowed me to take my Arabic reading to the next level. The small class sizes, one to one attention, and course structure are perfectly suited to my needs as a student with high ambitions yet many other commitments.

Atif R. Khan

Ethica Institute of Islamic Finance

Ustadh Yusaf combines several rarified elements of classical Arabic grammar instruction in a single teacher

Ustadh Yusaf combines several rarified elements of classical Arabic grammar instruction in a single teacher: a spiritual grasp of the Quran; mastery of Arabic grammar and usage at the exegetical level; native command of English grammar and usage at the university level; over a decade of classroom experience raising non-native Arabic speakers from beginner to advanced grammarian; and the kind of affability and patience needed with a student that makes a good teacher great. Only Ustadh Yusaf comes to mind as combining all five of these critical attributes in a single teacher.

Course Bonuses

Live 1-to-1 office hours available weekly

Office hours will be held weekly for questions, clarification, and general advice

Lesson recordings to review at your own pace

Review previous lessons if you have missed a live class or need to review.

Library of videos and articles

Watch videos that review the homework and read articles that answer common questions

Foundations Arabic Course (LIVE)

USD 1296

  • 15 Spots Will be Available
  • 50 LIVE Sessions
  • Weekly 1-on-1 Office Hours
  • Access to Recordings
  • Certificate of Completion
  • PDF of Workbook Included

Course Begins 2024

Here’s what people are saying about the Course Instructor

Jasmin G. and Sumejdina E.

Software Engineer

His way of teaching simply works...

Ustadh Yusaf teaches in a manner which is easy to understand, no matter your level. He used to give us challenges to translate and identify the grammatical function of words, meanwhile introducing new concepts in grammar. His way of teaching simply works and without a doubt it leads to a deep understanding of grammar, and understanding of much needed morphology concepts.

Naeem Sajid

Management Consultant

I have gained training and confidence to access books I once wished to read

Studying with Ustaad Yusaf allowed me to progress my classical Arabic studies greatly. Ustaad helped me patiently to apply grammatical rules and theory whilst walking me through classical text, and ensuring I fully understand the language. I have gained training and confidence to access books I once wished to read and my time with Ustaadh Yusaf has re-ignited my desire to progress my Arabic studies as a non-native.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does the Foundations Arabic Course have any prerequisites?

All you need for this course is the ability to read the Quran in Arabic without complete understanding i.e. you can  read the Arabic alphabet with vowels. 

What are the timings of the class?

The timings of this course will be set in December.  The course will be held 4 times a week.  If you miss a class, you can always access the recordings and attend office hours.

I want to learn how to speak; is this course for me?

While the primary goal of the course is to help you read, you can apply the same rules in speaking Arabic correctly.

If I have any questions about the study material, who do I ask?

You can email us at We are dedicated to serving you.  Weekly office hours are available upon request.  You also have access to our audio and video database, along with articles answering common questions.

Do I need to buy any books?  What about study material?

All materials will be provided to you online in digital format; working from a physical copy is preferred however, which can be purchased online. Homework help videos will be streamed and articles are in PDF format.

What does the Beginner's Arabic Course include?

The course consists of 50 live sessions, PDF workbook, free weekly office hours, and a certificate of completion.  Each of these live sessions is recorded for your review.

I have not had any formal study but am willing to work hard.  Can I take this course?

If you are willing to do extra work outside of class, you are welcome to join us.  

Do you offer refunds?

We allocate schedules weeks, even months, in advance so are unable to offer refunds. If you cannot continue for medical reasons, we can pause your classes until the next class offering.

Who joins this course?

Who joins this course:

You are able to read vocazlied Arabic (such as the Quran).

You are willing to put in time outside of class for homework.

You have a yearning to read classical Arabic but know it takes time and effort.

Who does not join this course:

You cannot read vocalized Arabic (see Private Tutoring for options).

You are not willing to put in time outside of classes to complete the homework.

For any inquiries please email

Is this course for me?

Not sure this course is for you?  Book a free consultation call to discuss your level and goals in studying Arabic:

Book a FREE consultation call here > 

A Note from the Instructor

I'm excited about teaching this new course for beginners, especially from this book.  It's well organized and the topics are presented clearly but need a teacher to speed up the student's learning. You will learn the foundations of grammar you need to build any future studies upon

This course is for you if you can read the Quran vocalized but don't understand what you're reading - but really want to. .

If you want to start studying classical Arabic then clear out your schedule, register, and get your materials ready.

I look forward to seeing you in class!

Get Started with Your Journey in Classical Arabic.

I’ve had a number of Arabic teachers in the past, but I’ve found Ustadh Yusaf to be most engaging. Despite going through the beginners classes, Grammica always manages to find a way to make the material relevant, interesting and applicable to daily life. Couldn’t recommend highly enough.

Syed S.

Colorado, US

Ustadh Yusaf’s classes helped me enhance my grammar skills in a way which allowed me to apply my knowledge of grammar to real texts and in a classic setting. By the end of the class, I was able to identify the grammatical positions of each word in a sentence of a more complex text, and also understand the function of each word and feel confident in my understanding of the functions of each word. These classes that I took with Grammica institute in the past year were the best Arabic grammar ones I’ve taken in my whole five years of studying Arabic grammar, because I didn’t just memorize the concepts, but I was also able to apply them to real life situations, and other texts that I read both in my Arabic grammar class, and in my Arabic skills and literature class. I highly recommend studying with Grammica institute if one wants to be able to understand the concepts thoroughly and also wants to gain a knowledge of the appropriate application of each concept in our life, whether it be in the Quran, other texts, or just in every day life even. Applying ones knowledge of grammar to a text such as the Quran can completely change one’s outlook on it, because it can enhance one’s understanding greatly, and Grammica Institute would be an amazing choice for one to start learning Arabic grammar. 

Zahraa Khan

High School Student

*Because the material is cumulative, attendance is highly recommended to understand the material.

**Prerequisites: the ability to read the Arabic alphabet with vowels.  If you can read the Arabic Quran, this class is for you.   Please check with us if you are unsure.

Learn Classical Arabic Online